How to Set Up and Score a Team Betterball Game in Golfify

This article provides a step-by-step guide on setting up and scoring a team betterball game in Golfify. The betterball format allows players to compete in pairs, three-person, or four-person teams, with the added option of group team formats.

Step 1: Creating a Single Round Event

  1. Start from the home screen of the Golfify app.
  2. Tap the plus button to create a new event.
  3. Select Single Round Event. You can also use team betterball in multi-round events.
  4. Choose the appropriate Betterball option:

For this tutorial, we'll focus on the Standard Pairs Betterball option.

Step 2: Game Modes and Scoring Settings

Format Selection

Navigate to the Game Modes and Scoring section to adjust settings for your event.

Team Settings