Golfify: How to Use the Multiply Scoring Format in a Competition


In this guide, we'll explore how to use the Multiply Scoring Format in Golfify. This unique scoring method can add excitement to your events, particularly when paired with formats like Stableford. We'll also discuss the pros and cons of using the multiply method and offer tips for optimal use in different competition types.

Setting Up Multiply Scoring

Accessing Game Settings

To begin, you'll need to set up the Multiply scoring option within your event's settings:

  1. Navigate to Game Settings
  2. Select the Single Round Event option
  3. Scroll down to Game Modes and Scoring

Here you'll find the option to adjust scoring. In the Stableford game mode, you'll have the choice of either Addition or Multiplication for team scores:

Benefits of the Multiply Format

The multiply format is especially effective when using Better Ball, as it encourages both players in a pair to contribute their best scores for each hole. However, for the multiplication to work, both players need to score at least one point—otherwise, the result will be zero for that hole.

Example of Multiply Scoring

Let's walk through an example using the multiply format: